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Behind Closed Doors-Walled Lake Central High School

Nov 7, 2020

Our 2020 Production is entitled, "Behind Closed Doors" and takes its inspiration from the Alfred Hitchcock Quote, "There is nothing more scary than a closed door."

Our music this year comes from the following sources: Tubular Bells Part I-Michael Gordon Oldfield, Theme from Psycho-Bernard Herrmann, Symphonie Fantastique Mvt. 5, Dream of a Witches' Sabbath-Hector Berlioz, Pan's Labyrinth-Javier Navarrete, and Medea's Dance of Vengeance-Samuel Barber.

This is our tribute to several classic horror stories, in it you will hear references to 9 different horror classics, as well as a telling of our own horror story. We hope you enjoy, "Behind Closed Doors"