Together As One - Foothill High School
Nov 21, 2020
The Foothill High School Marching Band and Color Guard is proud to present their 2020 performance of Together As One. Our performance will cover two movements: American As One and Swing.
The Foothill High School Marching Band and Color Guard would like to thank Richard Saucedo, Mike McIntosh, Robert W. Smith, Paul Rennick and Varsity Spirit’s Together as One program for providing the musical composition and arrangement for today’s performance.
I am happy to report that our school district was given permision to start outdoor winds 4 weeks ago. Thank you to the Students for joining us on this endeavour, Thank you to the Parents for supporting us on this endeavor, Than you to the Instructional Staff for teaching in our endeavour, and Thank you to our PUSD administration for collaborating in this endeavor.
To the graduating Seniors, THANK YOU for being a part of our program for the past four years.