1. 2020 USBands Yamaha Cup: All Performances

    Oct 3, 2020

    Watch all of the performances from everyone who participated in the second weekend of v-USBands on FloMarching: 2020 USBands Yamaha Cup!
  2. Fan Favorite: 2020 USBands Yamaha Cup

    Oct 3, 2020

    Vote on your favorite performance from the 2020 USBands Yamaha Cup featuring everything from solos to full-sized marching bands! The polls will be open until Tuesday, October 6th at 12 PM. Check back Tuesday afternoon to see who the winner of the Yamaha Cup Fan Favorite!
  3. FloMarching Kick-Off: All Performances

    Sep 28, 2020

    Watch all of the performances from everyone who participated in the first weekend of v-USBands on FloMarching: The FloMarching Kick-Off!
  4. Watch Guide: v-USBands Virtual Performance Series

    Sep 14, 2020

    Registration is officially open for the 2020 USBands Virtual Performance season! Here's what you need to know about watching USBands on FloMarching this fall.
  5. How to Watch: 2020 DCI Rewind: The After Party

    Aug 6, 2020

    Here's how to watch the 2020 DCI Rewind: The After Party on FloMarching.
  6. Fan Favorite: WGI eSolo Virtual Competition Finals

    Aug 1, 2020

    Congratulations to the FloMarching Fan Favorite for the West Region of the WGI eSolo Virtual Competition—Luh Putu Savita!
  7. WGI eSolo Finals Winners & Fan Favorite Announced!

    Aug 1, 2020

    Check out the final results of the first-ever WGI eSolo Virtual Competition, presented by System Blue! See who won FAN FAVORITE at the bottom of this article.
  8. SE/Int'l WGI eSolo Scholarship Winners & Fan Favorite Announced!

    Jul 28, 2020

    Over $1000 in scholarships are being handed out to the winners of the Southeast/International Region of the 2020 WGI eSolo Virtual Competition!
  9. Fan Favorite: WGI eSolo Virtual Competition - Southeast/Int'l Region

    Jul 26, 2020

    Congratulations to the FloMarching Fan Favorite for the West Region of the WGI eSolo Virtual Competition—Giovan Aprillian!
  10. How To Watch: WGI eSolo Virtual Southeast/International Regional

    Jul 23, 2020

    Here's everything you need to know about watching the all-new WGI eSolo Virtual Competition powered by System Blue, on FloMarching! If you're looking for information on how to participate in the competition, read through this article or visit WGI.org/esolo.
  11. East WGI eSolo Scholarship Winners & Fan Favorite Announced!

    Jul 21, 2020

    Over $1000 in scholarships are being handed out to the winners of the East Region of the 2020 WGI eSolo Virtual Competition! Only two performers from each division (Guard/Percussion/Winds) will earn the $250 scholarship—one representing Scholastic (18 and under) and one representing Independent (19 & up).
  12. DCI March On! Telethon & More Coming To FloMarching

    Jul 20, 2020

    You can catch the live stream of the telethon for free on DCI's YouTube channel, Facebook page, and of course for free on FloMarching!
  13. Fan Favorite: WGI eSolo Virtual Competition - East Region

    Jul 17, 2020

    Congratulations to the FloMarching Fan Favorite for the West Region of the WGI eSolo Virtual Competition—Jesse Walker!
  14. How To Watch: WGI eSolo Virtual East Regional

    Jul 16, 2020

    Here's everything you need to know about watching the all-new WGI eSolo Virtual Competition powered by System Blue, on FloMarching! If you're looking for information on how to participate in the competition, read through this article or visit WGI.org/esolo.
  15. West WGI eSolo Scholarship Winners Announced!

    Jul 14, 2020

    Over $1000 in scholarships are being handed out to the winners of the West Region of the 2020 WGI eSolo Virtual Competition! Only two performers from each division (Guard/Percussion/Winds) will earn the $250 scholarship—one representing Scholastic (18 and under) and one representing Independent (19 & up).