Omega - The Age of Omega
Based out of Austin, TX, Omega Performing Arts is proud to debut its inaugural competitive ensemble, "Omega," with their production, "The Age of Omega."
Omega is lead by director Ryan Thornton with the assistance of Jessie Arbolay, Manuel Ayala, Michael Fairbrother, Katherine Harber, Carolyn Jackson, Alejandro Lopez, Christopher Maldonado, Zakkary Milligan, and Rayce Risch. The Board of Directors includes Tammy Callison, Kyle Thornton, and Ryan Thornton.
Design: Jessie Arbolay and Ryan Thornton
Costumes: Ryan Thornton
Flags: Michael Fairbrother
Soundtrack: Christopher Maldonado
For more information, visit our website at and find us on all social media under "Omega Performing Arts."