FloMarching Ranks: Benji's Top 5 Favorite DCI Shows of All Time

FloMarching Ranks: Benji's Top 5 Favorite DCI Shows of All Time

Presenting the all-inclusive, 100 percent probably-accurate, undebatable list of the five best DCI shows of all time.

Jun 20, 2022 by Benjamin Gonzalez
FloMarching Ranks: Benji's Top 5 Favorite DCI Shows of All Time

Presenting the all-inclusive, 100 percent probably-accurate, undebatable list of the five best DCI shows of all time. 

That's a total joke, this is absolutely the opposite. Since I was young enough to remember being at a drum corps show for the first time, I've been invested in the activity, going back throughout the decades and watching corps after corps. While I wasn't alive to be amazed at the Star of Indiana or laugh at the Velvet Knights, their shows and their creativity remain ingrained in the community and the experience forever. 

So how'd this list come about? e=mc^2 (that's on the list, I promise) 

Background on me: Hey there! My name is Benji Gonzalez, currently an intern with FloMarching for this summer. I'm from Southern California and was a member of my high school marching band for four years - and all the things that are included in that rich experience. (Go Brass) - While it might look like a strange list to some, this is just my take on what I consider to be my Top 5 Favorite Shows. 

Note: This is my personal opinion. Art is art and whether it's in tune or not, it's something beautiful. 

5. Velvet Knights 1992 - Magical Mystery Tour Part III (10th - 86.600)

So in hindsight: I'm a Southern California native, went through high school and did marching band, all the things. I could never understand this lore or this legendary quote from an old coaching friend of mine who told me two things that will resonate with me forever. Two letters and a year: VK, 1992. The clown princes and princesses of drum and bugle corps decked out with red converse. Any list that anyone makes is incomplete without having the Velvet Knights - sorry that's just how it is. The show, "Magical Mystery Tour", in it's third incarnation, had everything from Energizer bunny, fall of communism, a trip to Brazil, the wicked witch and oh, did I mention a shark? It ain't over til' the...

4. Carolina Crown 2013 - e=mc^2 (1st - 98.300)

Aside from the great visual aesthetic effect Crown's uniforms had this year, this show just resonates in the back of my mind because of so many things, but especially the closer. In tribute to Albert Einstein, this show had just about everything: nods to Einstein, poetry and not to mention the end phrase that I remember so well, "Everything must have an ending, except my love for you".

3. Santa Clara Vanguard 2018 - Babylon (1st - 98.625)

Despite being the first real season that I paid close attention to the drum corps season, SCV was also one of the first corps I ever watched. The theme overall really struck me upon first glance. A metropolis, functioning society working together in harmony and unity and then ultimately degrading into chaos and miscommunication. Tracking Vanguard's progress throughout the season was a thrill in itself, but the overall show, that followed up their second place win at finals the year before, was noted as being one of the most physically and emotionally demanding shows that SCV had produced thus far.

2. Bluecoats 2014 - Tilt (2nd - 97.175)

My main thought when this show comes to mind is just my reaction to watching it for the first time: ""WOAH they BENT". The pitch bend show, as most call it at this point, especially within my generation since we were all freshmen in high school, not knowing what this world of drum corps was at the time. I have to admit, after watching it for the first time, I couldn't believe that a corps actually did it. This show, although landing in second place for the season, ultimately just blew the world away and has become part of the 'lore' that the Bluecoats will always find a way to surprise you.

1. Star of Indiana 1991 - Immaggini di Roma/Roman Images (1st - 97.000)

THE show. Although I wasn't alive at the time, hearing about the Star of Indiana's rich history and the 1991 season just made me want to be there. You can't talk about Roman Images without mentioning the "cross to cross" move that essentially became the cherry on top for their title run that year. You also can't help but mention and remember the legendary George Zingali. While moves are impressive in their own right, Star's 2AM design cross finalization rehearsal with Zingali proved to pull off one of the most memorable of all time.