Sacramento Mandarins Announce 2018 Show 'Life Rite After'
Sacramento Mandarins Announce 2018 Show 'Life Rite After'
Mandarins announced their 2018 show via Facebook Live on Monday night after the corps teased a big announcement on its social media accounts last week.
Sacramento Mandarins creative director Mario Ramirez announced the corps' 2018 show via Facebook Live on Monday night after Mandarins teased the announcement on their social media accounts last week.
Ryan H. Turner, the self-proclaimed "Voice of Southern California," a longtime marching arts adjudicator and designer, hosted the announcement along with Ramirez.
The corps' Facebook Live event lasted about 20 minutes and Turner interviewed Ramirez about the show and specific details regarding the 2018 corps.
After announcing the official title, "Life Rite After," Ramirez explained that the story is "what we believe happens after the sacrificial virgin dances herself to death in the 'Rite of Spring.'"
In Short:
- Mario Ramirez had this show concept in his back pocket for some time.
- The intro begins when "she" is dancing herself to death.
- The opener will somehow utilize the color guard to tell the story.
- Their competitive goal is to break into the top 10 for 2018.
- Mandarins will not play "Rite of Spring."
- There WILL BE new uniforms designed by Ramirez in 2018.