Recap And Review Of 2018 DCI Annual Meetings

Recap And Review Of 2018 DCI Annual Meetings

Get all the news and recap of the 2018 DCI Annual Meetings held in Indianapolis.

Jan 7, 2018 by Michael Gilley
Recap And Review Of 2018 DCI Annual Meetings

The 2018 DCI Winter Meetings have concluded and a flurry of information is coming out of Indianapolis from this weekend's board of directors meetings, drum major symposiums, instructor caucuses, and Rules Congress vote. 

Performance Order

One of the big procedural changes that happened was to how performance order is determined. Previously, the scores from the year prior were used to determine performance order in reverse score order.

Corps would be placed in groups of three then draw for order within that group. However, the groups of three were determined based on the scores from the previous year. 

Beginning in 2018, the order of performance at the Southwestern Regional Championship in San Antonio, Texas, will be determined using the same grouping/draw method but also using scores from the current season.

“The impetus for this policy change is to recognize the corps’ performance level of excellence [relative to] the current year, rather than basing it on the previous year,” said Jim Tabuchi, the executive director of Mandarins.

Essentially, in the first half of the 2018 season, performance order will use 2017 scores to determine order of appearance. Then, from San Antonio to Championships, performance order will be determined using 2018 scores.

This will give corps that are having a more successful season the opportunity to perform based on their current success rather than the prior year’s score. This was passed unanimously by DCI voting members.

Read the full breakdown

2018 Schedule Updates

DCI Executive Director Dan Acheson provided attendees with news and updates on the 2018 schedule on Friday night. The big news was the confirmation of two massive venues for the 2018 tour.

The DCI Tour Premier on June 21 has now been confirmed to take place in downtown Detroit at Ford Field. This will be the first time in DCI’s history that a show is held in downtown Detroit.

Acheson announced the confirmation that the Dome at America’s Center in St. Louis will host the DCI Midwestern Championship on July 15. 

Photo by Tom Szczerbowski (USA TODAY Sports)

Rained-Out Shows

Corps have agreed to develop alternate performances, or “Plan B” shows, that are specifically designed for shows that get rained out. 

Previously, if a show is moved indoors due to weather, corps and event staff would have to scramble to fit fans, equipment, and performers inside gymnasiums. These situations can get extremely chaotic and lead to frustrations by fans who wanted to see their favorite corps.

Now, corps have agreed to develop smaller 7-8 minute shows that are more indoor friendly and require no front ensemble or electronic equipment. 

Read the full story here.

Rule Change Proposals

After a lot of discussion the voting members of the Rules Congress came together and voted on the proposed rule changes. 

Initially there were a total of nine proposals that were discussed by the instructor caucuses. Of those nine original proposals, one was withdrawn, two were voted down in the caucuses, two failed, and four were ultimately passed. 

Continue here for a full breakdown

Electronics Philosophical Shift Coming

The electronics presentation during the instructors meetings was one of the highlights of the weekend. The information presented by Tom Blair, Aaron Beck, Cory Coken, Erik Kosman, and Michael Zellers was absolutely mind-blowing. 

Terms such as sound reinforcement, sound support, and sound coverage are now on the tip of everybody’s tongue. The overall theme that was established was that DCI no longer has a volume problem but instead has a coverage problem.

While certain rules proposals such as the limitation of brass amplification did not get past the instructor caucuses, the philosophical shift in how to use electronics generated by this presentation will absolutely be felt throughout DCI.

More to come.