That Dan Band Show, Ep. 35: Dan's Takeaways from WGI 2023
That Dan Band Show, Ep. 35: Dan's Takeaways from WGI 2023
Following the conclusion of World Championships, Dan talks about his 10 takeaways from the 2023 WGI season.

Following the conclusion of World Championships, Dan talks about his 10 takeaways from the 2023 WGI season.
That Dan Band Show, Ep. 35: Dan's Takeaways from WGI 2023
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0:00:00 - 0:04:46 - Intro
0:04:47 - 0:07:15 - I've been doing this for ten years; Focus on the friendships and relationships within the activity and not strictly the outcomes
0:07:16 - 0:08:20 - This is going to be a solo episode reflecting on the 2023 WGI season
0:08:21 - 0:14:04 Takeaway #1 - Every season is an emotional rollercoaster, and you should expect that. And why it's important to "outlast the battle"
0:14:05 - 0:19:35 - Takeaway #2 - Consider what the members are going to feel/think/say/how they're going to respond, every step of the way. And a conversation about costuming
0:19:36 - 0:24:38 - Takeaway #3 - There's no ideal judging panel for any single group
0:24:39 - 0:31:47 - Takeaway #4 - Variety across captions and sub-captions is healthy
0:31:48 - 0:37:25 - Takeaway #5 - "Effect" isn't entertainment
0:37:26 - 0:40:20 - Takeaway #6 - Stress the craft (according to your instincts), not the outcomes
0:40:21 - 0:44:28 - Takeaway #7 - My tastes are not your tastes
0:44:29 - 0:47:00 - Takeaway #8 - Focus internally
0:47:01 - 0:50:37 - Takeaway #9 - Keep going and be resilient
0:50:38 - 0:55:15 - Takeaway #10 - Be yourself
0:55-16 - end - Outtro