THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hanna Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #7

THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hanna Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #7

For season 2 of the World Class Experience, get a peek inside different WGI Guard, Percussion, and Winds ensembles. This episode features Hannah of TI

Apr 7, 2023 by Natalie Shelton
THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hanna Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #7

FloMarching's WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE vlog series aims to bring FloMarching fans an inside look at world-class marching ensembles. These monthly installments follow members from Tampa Independent and more, and will run through WGI World Championship Finals in Dayton, Ohio.

THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hanna Brady of Tampa Independent - Episode #7


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The Bigger Picture

This month I got to capture some of the most exciting parts of being in color guard. We got our new silks and costumes, and we went to our first WGI regional. All of the moving parts of the show were beginning to come together to create this bigger picture that our team and designers envisioned from the very start. These moments in the season are exciting. Do not ever take them for granted. On the flip side, however, this time in the season can be extremely challenging. This is the time you begin challenges like consistency chunks, long rehearsal weekends, and one-day regionals. February was exhausting for my team as well as I am sure other teams as well. This being said, the exhaustion is always well worth it. Every time I get to watch a video of our performance, it serves as a reminder of how much I love this activity and why we continue to push ourselves every weekend. 

Family Atmosphere

One of my favorite parts of being on Tampa Independent is the home and family environment that is embedded in our culture. This team is composed of my best friends in the entire world, and I think we could all agree that we view each other as family. Regional weekends such as the one you saw are especially fun for us because we get to explore new places while being together. An aspect of this atmosphere that I think about often is how the family culture in this program does not only apply when we are on the floor at performances. It begins in our staff and their friendship, it’s cultivated in the rehearsals where we don’t feel our best, and it’s reinforced in the moments when we walk off the floor after a fantastic run. Tampa Independent radiates this culture, and I hope it is visible as I take you through the season with me.