Legends Take Hiatus from 2023 Season, Shadow Announce Dissolving of Corps
Legends Take Hiatus from 2023 Season, Shadow Announce Dissolving of Corps
Legends Drum & Bugle Corps announce hiatus from the 2023 DCI season, and Shadow Drum & Bugle Corps vote to dissolve the corps
It's been a tough couple of weeks for the drum corps community.
In addition to Santa Clara Vanguard not fielding a corps for the 2023 season, Legends Drum & Bugle Corps announced last month that the Kalamazoo-based corps will also not be fielding a corps in 2023. Legends CEO Ibe Sodawalla cites in a statement made on social that, "The escalating costs to operate a touring corps continue to show no signs of reversal and while we always do our best to find a way, the current economic and global conditions will be a challenge that will take more resources to provide a quality experience," The statement later goes on to explain that the decision to go inactive will ultimately serve as a way to strengthen the foundation of the corps and plan a way to move forward. The full statement can be read here.
And in a gut-punch to the drum corps community, Shadow Drum & Bugle Corps recently announced that the board of directors of Shadow Marching Arts has voted to end all operations, liquidate all assets, and close its doors in perpetuity. Board President Ken McGlauchlen said in a statement: "We take joy in knowing that the many videos and pictures from the past will keep the legacy of what Shadow was going, where the memories will keep Shadow alive to those that answered the question: “Band who are you?" The full statement can be read here.
It is a huge loss to the community that two organizations will not be competing in 2023 and one organization is fully closing its doors. Please know that the hearts of FloMarching go out to everyone involved in these organizations and hope that if it is your dream to march this season, you'll find a home somewhere amongst the many DCA corps, Open Class corps, and World Class corps still looking for members to join their ranks.